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Brish is Brett's beloved pet fish. Swimming around in his bowl waiting for Brett to get home. But when Brett isn't looking, Brish loves to get out and have some fun.
Low maintenance, high quality entertainment. Watching Brish float elegantly is a favourite past time of Brett's.
Being the best pet fish on the planet doesn't come easy, but Brish is always there waiting for you. Never complaining. Always smiling. Brish is the pinnacle of support. The sight of him just sends happy vibes through you.
$BRISH is gearing up to make waves across the industry, changing the landscape of the Base network forever. With his innovative swimming techniques he will be splashing his way into the largest, most based, chaddest communities and become a household figure. People are saying that there are going to be plushies of him coming soon. Others are saying that a clothing range is being released. Some are even saying that he plans to visit numerous countries in the world. All we know is that big things are ahead. Make sure you come along for the ride, because its never going to end.
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